

Understanding the hidden dangers of swimming pools is an important aspect of pool safety. L耳朵n more about pool safety and what you can do to help keep your family safe.

Whether you're splashing in a public pool or relaxing in your backyard hot tub, be aware of potential pool dangers to help ensure your family and friends 在游泳池游泳时要注意安全. 以下是一些泳池安全提示:


许多游泳池都有跳水板、滑梯和台阶. While everyone enjoys the standard belly flop and cannonball, it's important to make sure these water entry features are right for your pool.


It's essential that the water depth of the pool is adequate to allow for safe diving practices. If someone were to dive headfirst into a shallow pool, they could sustain a severe injury. 的 American Red Cross recommends a minimum of nine feet of water depth for headfirst diving.


谁不喜欢滑入水中呢? 而滑梯有最低水深要求, 最大的危险是滑倒, 绊倒和跌倒. We've all seen people go down the slide, swim to the side, get out and go right back down the slide. 因为甲板上的水, 混凝土, or grass surrounding the pool making your way back to the slide can be treacherous. 提醒大家慢慢来,走着去滑梯


Pool steps and slide steps can be very slick when wet which could result in an injury from falling. Make sure that your pool and slide is equipped with handrails and that the sides aren't open enough for a little one to slip through.


As much fun as pool toys can be, they need to be used under close supervision. 如果泳池里有人需要 救生援助, pool toys can obstruct them from view of the person watching them. 的y can also cause a person to flip over and they may be unable to flip the flotation device over resulting in injury.


“走,不要跑!” You can just h耳朵 parents reminding their kids not to run at the pool. 混凝土, 瓷砖, decks and other hard surfaces can get slippery when water or algae accumulates on them.


排水管的强大吸力可以抓住衣服, hair and even body parts and hold a person against the grate.

  • 确保排水盖符合安全标准. 的 弗吉尼亚格雷姆·贝克泳池和水疗安全法案 requires all residential swimming pools have a proper drain cover to prevent entrapment.
  • 安装安全真空释放系统. It will shut off a pool or spa pump if a blockage is detected.
  • 小心照看孩子. 较小的身体更容易受到泳池吸力的影响. 教孩子 水池排水安全 当它们在水里的时候密切监视它们.
  • 在身边放一个电话,这样有人在紧急情况下可以拨打911.
  • 学习一种释放技巧. 根据poolsafety.政府, 在关掉水泵并拨打911之后, you should slip your fingers between the victim and the drain, 然后把它们滚下来. (不要猛拉那个人. 这可能会造成伤害.)


干净的游泳池, 使用适量的化学药品, is important to help avoid the growth of bacteria that can cause eye, 耳朵, 皮肤和鼻子感染.


All the chemicals used for the pool should be tightly sealed, used as the manufacturer recommends and located away from children. 如果使用氯,可能会使皮肤干燥, exacerbate asthma and if swallowed may kill the good bacteria in your stomach.


水和电混在一起是危险的. Any equipment powered by electricity should be grounded and kept at a safe distance from the pool. Outdoor outlets should be ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). 经常离开泳池是非常重要的 当闪电出现时.


When pools aren’t being used in cooler weather, covers are sometimes placed over the top. 的se covers are not meant to be walked on by anyone, including pets. Many times, the cover is kept in place with weights around the edges. If a child or pet were to walk across the cover they could be in jeopardy.

Now that you have l耳朵ned about some potential hazards of swimming pools, you may be interested in 水上安全提示 或者是小贴士 在海里游泳. 另外,请随时联系a 状态 Farm®代理 如果你有关于 你的保单上有游泳池pp王者电子官网.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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Dip your toes in the water with our swimming and 水上安全提示

Whether taking a dip in a pool or natural body of water, adults and kids alike should play it safe.


使用这些泳池安全提醒, from guidelines for the height of a pool safety fence to pool safety equipment to keep on hand, 确保你的游泳池为这个季节做好了准备.


溺水是什么样子的? 这可能不是你所期望的.


Make a home fire evacuation plan to be better prepared in case of a fire. Teach your kids how to avoid smoke inhalation, escape to safety and understand fire hazards.